It’s so easy to let kids pass the time playing video games. As a parent, it’s important to lead family activities that keep your kids healthy, active, and safe.
This course is perfect for parents who:
want to bond and challenge their kids in a fun way
teach kids the power of discipline and the importance of self-defense
Lose weight, tone up and get ripped with a 12-min HIIT workout created by me. This course is ideal for those who want to work out at home.
My 12-MIN Bike course:
gives you access to 20 workout videos that are easily customizable for any fitness level
helps you burn fat in a quick, effective way
Are you dealing with neck pain and fatigue? Whether you do sports or work manual labor or at a desk, joint and neck pain can be debilitating.
This guide will walk you through ALL-NATURAL ways to:
heal neck and joint discomfort
elongate your posture
create a stretching/supplementation routine for fast relief
Perfect for jiu-jitsu practitioners and those interested in self-defense, this course demonstrates six techniques, giving you detailed instruction on how to effectively address turtle guard.
You’ll get my personal coaching on:
how to destabilize the base
look for attacks and use pressure to control your opponent.
submissions like, short arm choke, guillotine, and arm triangle
Resistance bands are great for strength building and toning up. In this course, I’ll guide you through the several band exercises that I use during the week.
Resistance bands are:
a great alternative to traditional iron lifting
perfect for mobility, muscle stability, and easy on the joints
This seminar is a 2 hour guide on the following techniques; disrupt the base, short arm choke, saddle up in smash, smash to arm triangle, arm triangle to brute finish, basic penetration step, contact drill, basic double leg, guard pass off double leg, and advanced penetration step.
Perfect for:
all levels (beginner-pro fighter)
This seminar is a 3 hour guide that goes in depth on the following techniques; Techniques included: fitting in, close the distance, press & chop, developing strategies & intro to hip hub, lazy single & follow up double, disrupt the base, short arm choke, saddle up in smash, smash to arm triangle, arm triangle Brute Finish
- Basic Penetration Step
- Contact Drill
- Basic Double Leg
- Guard Pass Off Double
- Advanced Penetration Step
Get this course to access 11 hand fighting techniques used in the clinch position.
Five techniques featured include:
the over-under position
collar tie
how to manipulate an opponent’s wrist, elbows, head
momentum to gain dominant positions
“Nobody did anything great without a good coach.”